Exploring the Veda Series


The Veda is an ancient body of knowledge. Once we understand this body of knowledge, you'll better understand the mechanics of life.

With this deep understanding of ancient knowledge, you'll effortlessly let go of habituated thinking patterns and move into a more seamless experience.

This is part of a series presented by Thom Knoles, Doctor of Science of Creative Intelligence (D.Sci), expert in cognitive neuroscience, and a renowned master of consciousness and meditation. 

You'll be given tools to align yourself with the evolution of yourself and your environment and the people within it.

In total, this is a six-part series that one participates in sequentially, starting with Exploring the Veda 1, then ETV 2, and so forth... You only need to sign up for one at a time - select "NA" for the other options/dates

“After learning the knowledge from Exploring The Veda 1, I had a huge ‘OHHH’ realization moment… THAT is what’s going on. A better understanding of life if you will. I can’t wait for the next installments now. My evolution is on the fast track!” - Natanyia 

ETV 2:
ETV 3:
ETV 4:
ETV 5:
ETV 6:
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